Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm a mommy!

You know how birthdays come and go and you don't feel any older. It's the same with parenting. I was expecting a monumental event where worlds collide and I have an enlightened moment where I realize, "I am a mother." Didn't happen. Don't get me wrong. I love my baby girl and I love being her mommy, but I just thought it would be different? Perhaps my sleepless nights and endless worrying before her arrival hyped up the transition.

Everyone keeps asking me about The Day. I don't think I've actually told the same story twice. Each time, I focus on a different aspect. Probably because I'd get tired of telling the same story everytime. I guess I'll write it out here so I have some way of remembering it later.

Thursday, May 27th 9:00pm
DH and I are watching Disney's Princess and the Frog. After weeks of waiting, I've finally given up hoping and decided to be patient for DD's arrival. Of course that's when I feel uncomfortable pulling feelings down there. I try to ignore it since we've had some false alarms. It starts to happen more frequently and I can't sleep. DH says I should time them, he even suggests an App that times contractions.

Friday, May 28th 2:00am
I still haven't gotten any sleep. I decide to eat something. I have a Chobani yogurt and banana. My stomach turns and I realize I need to go.. bad. I figure maybe that's what was making me uncomfortable and I try to lay down again. Wrong. I get up to walk around. The uncomfortable twinge is now a painful dropping sensation when I walk. I call the hospital to talk to the L&D nurses. They tell me it's probably not anything, especially since I don't sound like I'm going into labor. Wait, what? I don't sound like I'm going into labor? Am I supposed to be panting and screaming whenever it hurts? If you ask me that's over-exaggerating the situation and it makes it difficult to carry a conversation. Take my word for it, if I say it hurts, it fricken hurts.

I finally decide to go in. I was hoping the hospital doors were open and we didn't have to go through the ER. Ryan thinks I'm crazy because I offered to let him sleep for another hour if he was still tired. In my defense, I still had lots of time. We get to L&D and the woman that spoke to me on the phone was a little hesitant to admit me. I changed into my pink homemade hospital gown. The nurse said we needed to do tests to make sure I was really in labor. Result? Yes, I was in labor. See, what did I tell you, take my word for it! I got my epidural at 6:30 :)

My doctor comes in to check on me. Since my water bag hasn't broken yet, she breaks it to speed up the labor. It looks good, no sign of meconium. She'll be back later when I'm ready to start pushing.

I'm 10cm dialated and 100% effaced. We're just waiting on baby to drop.

Still nothing, but they're going to have my start pushing to see if baby will descend. Yes, it seems to be working, but with the more pushing I do, the less I can feel the contractions. They turn off my epidural :( After a few more pushes, the baby starts to crown. I have to stop pushing for now. Do you know how HARD it is to not push something that is partially sticking out of you. Mind you, with the epidural wearing off, I can feel everything!

My doctor shows up and I'm ready to deliver this baby. A few good pushes and out pops our DD!
4:41pm, 7lbs 4 ounces, 19 1/2 inches, and screaming. Yeah, you're thinking the same thing I still can't figure out. Where the heck was she?! The ultrasound estimated she'd be at most 7lbs at my due date. I only gained about 20lbs during my pregnancy and my waist was only 40.5 inches around. She was really hiding in there. It's so weird how in a few hours my belly disappeared. Damage to me? A few tears and scratches, but all-in-all, doing ok. Honestly, I don't really remember this last part too well. The oxygen mask I was wearing obstructed my view at some parts, I don't think I was breathing so my brain blocked out other parts, and I think I was so dazed I just wasn't paying attention.

Well, that's pretty much the story. There's other parts involved, like more detail on what I did for the 12 hours waiting, the actual 'popping out' part of the story, and the anecdote about the nurse who takes the WORST pictures ever.

What was the best part about my experience? When I got wheeled to my post-partum room and was allowed visitors, everyone said I looked too happy and energetic to have just spent the last 36+ hours awake and managed to delivered a baby. Thanks everyone for being polite. We all know that's a lie. Everyone looks like $#!t after delivery.

Friday, May 14, 2010

counting down the days

EXCITING! I'm finally full-term and can give birth any day now. You know what's even more exciting? Monday will be my last day of work until the baby arrives! I've already passed off most of my duties to others, and pretty much am ready to start my leave :)

Since I haven't updated in a while, let's do a quick recap of my activities:

1) Hospital gown? Done. I had some minor issues with the shoulder snaps, but I've figured a work around for it and it's mostly fixed. If I don't get it finished by the time I go in for L&D, it's of no consequence.

2) Nursing cover? Done. It's a reversible cover with adjustable neck straps. I'm talented, I know. So much that I perfected my methods -- and made another nursing cover for a coworker who is also expecting in less than 4 hours. But this time, including a terry cloth pocket to hold a binky or to be used to wipe baby's mouth, sturdier neck straps, and cleaner stitching.

3) Thank you favors? Done. I made 2 sets of favors. For my office (which so kindly planned a baby shower for me and DH, but ended up canceling due to my bedrest prescription), I made mini post-it/pen holders with cute little decorations. Stuffed them into cello bags with Japanese candy and tied off with an Ella elephant thank you tag. For hospital visitors (the ones that show up when you look like hell only to greet your perpetually sleeping newborn), I made papercraft baby booties to hold a mini hand sanitizer and Japanese candy. I really should start a side business making favors, I enjoy the mindless labor involved in assembly and it's fun to come up with crafty ways to embellish.

House updates? It's really coming along. Appliances are ordered, exterior of house is getting primed (we pretty much decided on a paint color -- pending expert advise from our paint specialist!), drywall goes up next week. Oi... there's less than a month left until we move in. We better get along with selecting the bathroom vanities and picking out light pendants and sconces!!

You would think this baby would be already out considering all the nesting I've been doing over the past few days. But nope, she's still hanging in there. At least we have a final, final deadline: June 7th. If baby isn't out by then, I'll be induced. So just about 3 weeks at the most and I will be over this whole pregnancy thing. HELLO, spicy ahi donburi and beer! Yum. Drool. I can't wait!

Monday, March 22, 2010

so little time

What an eventful weekend. I have to admit, I probably was a little ambitious in my last post. Of the four crafts I planned to finish this past weekend, I managed to get through about one and a half - and that's in summation.

1) Sew a hospital gown.
76% done.
I cut out the pieces from the pattern (yes, all 3 pieces), stitched them together, and finished the open edges. I mounted snap buttons on grosgrain ribbons to use as snap tape for the sleeves, and attached 1 of 4 tapes. It took me forever to attach one - of course when i tuck the hem in and sew it, I realize it's on the wrong side of the fabric and have to rip the seams and reattach. Hopefully if all goes well I'll sew on the other 3 tapes, finish up the remaining raw edges, and attach back ties by tonight.

2) Sew a nursing cover.
0% done.
I didn't even get this far. In fact, I just realized I can make 2 nursing covers with the fabric I bought. I keep forgetting that there's a fold when you get fabric off the bolt. BUT, in terms of percent done, I will only base this off the creation of one -- just so some people don't tell me how overambitious I am.

3) Craft Thank You favors.
5% done.
I managed to select design themes for the favors. I already know the color theme. Baby's room will be decorated in an array of pinks, creams, and chocolates, with sage accents. As I've already seen the invitations for one of the baby showers, I'm sure it would totally be cute and match. I still have to do the math for the assembly of the favor, but now that I know how I'll be designing it, I feel less overwhelmed that I need to make like 50 of them over the next 4 weeks.

4) Crocheting cute stuff.
94% done.
I finished crocheting the legs, stuffed all the pieces, and attached the body parts together. I don't have eye beads, nor do I know where I would be able to find them, so I think it may permanently be 94% done. It's actually not bad looking without a face. In fact, I'm thinking that trying to embroider a mouth and the ill-placement of eyes may make my cute bear into another freak spawn of Ms. Spears. Ok, it's decided. I'm done with it. Until I can find eyes and a cute way to attach them, this project is complete.

Other: DH and I did manage to work on our house activities this weekend before he had to leave for work. We picked out floor, carpet, and re-arranged the kitchen to accommodate the microwave, warming drawer, and a built in ice chest. Now we're just waiting on that darn appliance quote!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

weekend of domestication

Being pregnant is difficult. I know how some people really love the experience, but it's making it really hard to be normal. I hate when people tell me about what's happening to me, what will happen to me, or even try to offer advice. First of all, I know my body is going through changes -- you don't think I noticed that I gained 15 lbs? Secondly, I know my life is going to be different -- as if I don't already have to stop drinking and staying out all night. And finally, I don't need any advice. Fine, whatever you did or wish you did -- that's your opinion, I'm not you: I don't need more date nights with DH, we spend lots of time together. I don't need more rest, I rest a lot and it will never be enough. I don't need to stop buying baby stuff, I'll buy what I want, chances are you wouldn't have bought it anyway. Glad that's off my chest.

This weekend, DH has to work. Unfortunately, we have so much house stuff to take care of, I can't just lazily lounge around all weekend waiting for him to come home. Hence the title, "weekend of domestication".

Plans for Friday:
He thought it'd be fun to bake cookies as a surprise for work. Although it'll be a long shift of nerdy work stuff, at least there will be delicious baked goodness! I figure some Oatmeal Ghirardelli chocolate cookies will help the hours fly by. I haven't made cookies in a while, I'm actually looking forward to this :)

Plans for Saturday:
Early start, DH doesn't have to go in until the evening, but we do have a lot of house decisions to make. Let's see: pick out laminate floor color, pick out carpet, measure out specs for custom build cabinetry, select roof color, select exterior paint color... wow. I knew it was a lot, it just seems overwhelmingly so when it's listed out. He tells me not to stress out so much, yet how do you not stress when these decisions have to be made NOW and they will determine the NEXT 30 YEARS. Okay, so maybe not 30, but I don't plan on making any major changes until most of the mortgage is paid. I'm thinking we get a really early start and have breakfast. I need some sort of motivation to get me through the day.

The rest of the time:
As we don't know how long he'll actually have to work, we can't make other plans. I do have activities to busy myself, though. I'm really excited!
1) Sew a hospital gown.
We've been going to "Expectant Parent Classes" at the hospital and have been learning about the different stages of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. I acknowledge I'm pretty shallow, which is why it shouldn't come as a surprise that I do NOT want to wear a used hospital gown. Gross. There's all sorts of fluids on that thin piece of fabric. I'm sure they wash it and bleach the hell out of it, but that doesn't change where it's been. It's gross enough that I will be lying in bed sheets full of that stuff, I don't think I can stand to be in dressing that someone might have died in. I decided I will make my own hospital gown. I found a blog of another mom that made her own from the design and am totally inspired.
2) Sew a nursing cover.
Did you know these things cost between $20 and $80?! It's a rectangle piece of fabric with corset boning and a strap sewn to one edge. I purchased my supplies and the total came out to <$10, and that's including two pieces of fabric (so I can make it reversible, most are not), D-rings (so I can adjust the neckline, some are just knotted), and grosgrain ribbon. And no, I'm not using the nursing cover as a way to feed my child in public. I am going on the theory that without it, baby may get distracted and take longer to feed. I take long enough to eat, can you imagine how long it would take for both of us to eat in succession?
3) Craft Thank You favors.
My co-workers are throwing a small baby shower for me in May. Usually as a thank-you, the parents bring in some sort of goodie bag for those that contribute to the group gift. Some people have brought in homemade Energy Bars, gourmet chocolate squares, candy bars, and even assorted grab bags of treats. Since I am the office "Martha", I have to raise the bar. I was considering some type of fancy baked confection -- but in my line of work, you can't guarantee people to be in the office to get it. It may sit for weeks unnoticed. I will be crafting something with my Cricut. Not sure what yet, but I do have a new packet of cardstock and I plan on heading to the craft store later to pick up some small embellishments.
4) Crocheting cute stuff.
A few months back, DH was on this kick that crocheting baby apparel would be so cute. I ended up teaching myself how to crochet, while his attempt was a wadded ball of yarn. He wanted to make a beanie, and after restarting a youtube tutorial about 300 times he gave up. I started working on an amigurumi project. A mini pink and beige stuffed bear. It's partially done. I have a head, body, ears, muzzle, and arms? I think I just need the legs and some eye beads and I'm done. It's been a work in progress for a few months. I'm going to finish it eventually. I'm also going to try to figure out how to crochet little objects to attach to hair pins. I've sort of been able to make a flower, but we'll see how that goes -- after I finish this darn bear.

All right, looking forward to this weekend... lots of time, lots of projects! Or maybe I'll just sleep through it all. Haha, yeah, maybe I'll just sleep through it all.

Friday, February 26, 2010

I am opinionated and I don't care who knows it.

It's been months since I published a post. It's not that I haven't written anything. Trust me, I have a dozen posts here in draft-form. I didn't really think that I have to censor things I want to say -- I'm all for freedom of speech (as long as I don't have to hear it), but recently, I've been a bit more cautious. One of the main reasons I started writing these random blurbs was to release my bottled up thoughts (be it completely insensitive and idiotic or totally justified and realistic); never having a consistent journal or confidant to indulge this, a blog seemed to suffice. In the past few months, the words flowing from my fingertips seem to be more bottled aggressions...things that shouldn't be made public on the internets (or spoken outloud, ever). I think being pregnant has really bludgeoned through my barrier held together by tact. It must be the hormones; I am opinionated and I don't care who knows it.

In addition to the mean streak that appeared along with my growing uterus, I've also developed a vivid imagination. I've come up with dozens of conspiracy theories, none of which can be published (or even allowed to be in draft-form) here. I sort of feel deprived at times. What happens if my theories aren't just that, what if these things are actually happening? I can't just say, "I told you so." No one would believe me. But you know what, if any of them were true, I would definitely not say, "Hey, I knew this was coming. Go check out my blog." So I guess I'm okay with that.

Maybe the hormones have subsided and I can write 'nice' things. We'll see.