Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm a mommy!

You know how birthdays come and go and you don't feel any older. It's the same with parenting. I was expecting a monumental event where worlds collide and I have an enlightened moment where I realize, "I am a mother." Didn't happen. Don't get me wrong. I love my baby girl and I love being her mommy, but I just thought it would be different? Perhaps my sleepless nights and endless worrying before her arrival hyped up the transition.

Everyone keeps asking me about The Day. I don't think I've actually told the same story twice. Each time, I focus on a different aspect. Probably because I'd get tired of telling the same story everytime. I guess I'll write it out here so I have some way of remembering it later.

Thursday, May 27th 9:00pm
DH and I are watching Disney's Princess and the Frog. After weeks of waiting, I've finally given up hoping and decided to be patient for DD's arrival. Of course that's when I feel uncomfortable pulling feelings down there. I try to ignore it since we've had some false alarms. It starts to happen more frequently and I can't sleep. DH says I should time them, he even suggests an App that times contractions.

Friday, May 28th 2:00am
I still haven't gotten any sleep. I decide to eat something. I have a Chobani yogurt and banana. My stomach turns and I realize I need to go.. bad. I figure maybe that's what was making me uncomfortable and I try to lay down again. Wrong. I get up to walk around. The uncomfortable twinge is now a painful dropping sensation when I walk. I call the hospital to talk to the L&D nurses. They tell me it's probably not anything, especially since I don't sound like I'm going into labor. Wait, what? I don't sound like I'm going into labor? Am I supposed to be panting and screaming whenever it hurts? If you ask me that's over-exaggerating the situation and it makes it difficult to carry a conversation. Take my word for it, if I say it hurts, it fricken hurts.

I finally decide to go in. I was hoping the hospital doors were open and we didn't have to go through the ER. Ryan thinks I'm crazy because I offered to let him sleep for another hour if he was still tired. In my defense, I still had lots of time. We get to L&D and the woman that spoke to me on the phone was a little hesitant to admit me. I changed into my pink homemade hospital gown. The nurse said we needed to do tests to make sure I was really in labor. Result? Yes, I was in labor. See, what did I tell you, take my word for it! I got my epidural at 6:30 :)

My doctor comes in to check on me. Since my water bag hasn't broken yet, she breaks it to speed up the labor. It looks good, no sign of meconium. She'll be back later when I'm ready to start pushing.

I'm 10cm dialated and 100% effaced. We're just waiting on baby to drop.

Still nothing, but they're going to have my start pushing to see if baby will descend. Yes, it seems to be working, but with the more pushing I do, the less I can feel the contractions. They turn off my epidural :( After a few more pushes, the baby starts to crown. I have to stop pushing for now. Do you know how HARD it is to not push something that is partially sticking out of you. Mind you, with the epidural wearing off, I can feel everything!

My doctor shows up and I'm ready to deliver this baby. A few good pushes and out pops our DD!
4:41pm, 7lbs 4 ounces, 19 1/2 inches, and screaming. Yeah, you're thinking the same thing I still can't figure out. Where the heck was she?! The ultrasound estimated she'd be at most 7lbs at my due date. I only gained about 20lbs during my pregnancy and my waist was only 40.5 inches around. She was really hiding in there. It's so weird how in a few hours my belly disappeared. Damage to me? A few tears and scratches, but all-in-all, doing ok. Honestly, I don't really remember this last part too well. The oxygen mask I was wearing obstructed my view at some parts, I don't think I was breathing so my brain blocked out other parts, and I think I was so dazed I just wasn't paying attention.

Well, that's pretty much the story. There's other parts involved, like more detail on what I did for the 12 hours waiting, the actual 'popping out' part of the story, and the anecdote about the nurse who takes the WORST pictures ever.

What was the best part about my experience? When I got wheeled to my post-partum room and was allowed visitors, everyone said I looked too happy and energetic to have just spent the last 36+ hours awake and managed to delivered a baby. Thanks everyone for being polite. We all know that's a lie. Everyone looks like $#!t after delivery.