Tuesday, July 28, 2009

i have a type: tall, pale, and handsome

I'm in love with a vampire.

I've always wanted to say that. I don't even understand the fascination with vampires (besides the numerous books and movies sprouting in the last 4 years), yet I'm so drawn to this science fiction anomaly. Granted that I have a type: tall, pale, and handsome, which vampire can be categorized.

I'm in love with Edward Cullen. (Twilight Saga, Stephanie Meyer)
Why? The forever young.
As much as I hated being a teenager, I admit there was something exhilarating about being blissfully naive and never realizing that learning was the easy part of life. Imagine the knowledge you would accumulate after constantly matriculating for a century. That's hot - A doctor, a lawyer, and an engineer all in one, with no stress wrinkles or ulcers!

I'm in love with Eric Sinclair. (Queen Betsy Books, MaryJanice Davidson)
Why? The successful entrepeneur.
After being around for centuries, you're bound to learn a trick or two about running a business. This vamp's got it down to an art. What would you do if you had more money than you could count? Well if you're anything like Sinclair, you probably wouldn't do anything differently. That's hot - A guy that's got bank and you didn't even know it!

I'm in love with Lucan Thorne. (Midnight Breed Series, Lara Adrian)
Why? The protector.
The oldest vampire of the three (at 900 years old, give or take a decade), not only speaks in a modern tongue, he also relies on technology to aid in the battle against feral, Rogue warriors. That's hot - All strength and a tinkering for gadgets, who needs to choose brain or brawn when you can have both!

Would you turn down a handsome, wealthy, intelligent, muscular vampire with passion that burns only for you? Ok, so he's got to bite you, btw his venom is filled with an aphrodesiac that enhances all the non-stop sex you will be having (with the exception of Cullen, his bite stings like hellfire but you still get the non-stop sex). Who* would say no?! Where can I sign up DH to be a vampire?

*Exceptions: if you like daylight; if you get stuck with a vampire with the genetic background of a hobbit; if you aren't attracted to male sapiens; if you abhor sex; or if you faint at the sight of blood.

But yet, after all this thought, it's still not what I'm drawn to. It's that in their respective stories, these vampires never loved anyone else. The heroines somehow get these blood-sucking monsters to promise undying, unwavering, and irrevocable love (and an eternity to see it into fruition). I want to be THAT heroine. I want to be THE ONE. Isn't that why women end up in bad, abusive relationships? They think they can change the beast within? There is definitely something messed up about this vampire fetish.

And you, too, if you wanted to be a vampire. Bite me.
(Hey... I didn't say I wasn't messed up.)

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