Monday, August 10, 2009

psychopathic cyclones

The threat of Hurricane Felicia was not as imminent as most news reports indicated, it downgraded to a tropical storm and is still dissipating.

I've included a picture of the storm path over the course of 4 days. At each number was the actual location of the storm on that given day and the lines are the estimated path given by the news forecasts. As you can tell, the storm was steadily heading north, but every day there was a theorized pivot toward the state. Apparently 300-500 miles East of the State there is some kind of phenomenon that makes storms abruptly divert its course and make a beeline toward us. It's one thing to be so narcissistic to think the world revolves around me, but even I thought hurricanes were natural disasters, not psychopathic cyclones. I guess it's possible; apparently I am not always right.

Anyway, I know NOT to ever trust the news forecasts after many years of false hope that school/work would be canceled (well, that and partially because I attended school/worked at places that never closed due to weather), but I just thought it was funny how people respond. Half the state seems to go crazy with hoard-frenzy (I NEED 10 cases of water and 500 rolls of TP), and the other half is barely bothered (when is hurricane season?). At least this time there actually was proof of impending doom -- unlike that time the entire island shut down for the storm that never existed. Seems to me, that time, everyone just wanted a beach day.

Some people actually do work. Bite me.

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